Monday, April 14, 2008

Rockin In A Free World...

Wow - its been a few days since I posted anything - I guess it has been due to me "getting" off track the past few days! I reached the milestone of 220 lbs last Thursday - so of course "rewarding" myself - I haven't been eating and exercising the way I should! No worries though...I have started back up and this week looks to be sunny and the 70's the rest of the week! Oh yeah - time to sweat my ass off doing yard work! The best thing about yard work - is it means the kids will be outside most of he day and won't be able to make more "house" work for me!
So last week - I told you that we got Lego Star Wars for the PS2.... Max is way into it and is doing very well in the game - once and a while he asks me to help him out! Otherwise - I can tell you he is getting the gaming thing down! Only if he would learn all of his letters! It has also given Spiderwick a back seat for a few days!
This past weekend - we broke down and did it - purchased Guitar Hero 3! My wife has actually been sitting down and trying to play it! Yes, I must admit (coming from a guy who won't let anyone beat him in a game) the 1st time out she smoked me! But, as Max will tell you - "Mommy - Daddy just smoked you!" This game is addicting - I can't wait to pick up the "axe" again later tonight!
It even looks as if Zoey has found a game she likes to play! I think she gets it from her Great Nana! My grandmother is going to be 88 this June and still takes trips to the gambling boats!


Burbanmom said...

Ahhhh, so nice to see you encouraging little Z's budding interest in gambling. ;-)

Burbanmom said...

Ahhhh, so nice to see you encouraging little Z's budding interest in the one armed bandits. ;-) Maybe next week you could get her some a roulette wheeel.