Monday, April 7, 2008


Another day of excitement - we went to the grocery store, played outside - got deeper sun burn! As John Candy would say "good base".
Max and I managed to clean out the car - he was a little upset because he know I am going to lay down the "no eating" in the car rule! I can follow it - it's just my wife that doesn't! Her car looks like a mess - or someone is living in it!
So we have been fortunate to live all over the place like - but man do I hate living "on-top" of neighbors! I used to be able to go out on my back porch and have a smoke in my underwear...well I don't smoke anymore - and I really don't think my neighbors would appreciate me on the back patio in my underwear! Do you think it's the same way that I do not appreciate them speeding down our street? Or not having the manners enough to say hello or introduce themselves? Asstards!
Zoey has really become a "spirited" girl as of late - we had our 1st meltdown in public today! Ahhh the terrible 2's are setting in! This will all pass eventually!
This house is for sale - I think it's in the in Italy - only $790,000 euro! How much is a euro worth? I bet I could roam in my yard in my underwear and crocs!

1 comment:

Burbanmom said...

Well that would be a paltry $1,239,747. Better start saving those pennies! :-)

Beautiful house, though. I imagine it's got a nice vineyard too, eh?

Besides, you've already been at you new diggs for nearly six months. Must be time for a change, right? ;-)